The information we learned last night is not only crucial for our own health (since we are still developing) but it also plays a crucial role in our future as educators. We need to educate the general public about the important stages of brain development and the seriousness of interrupting that. I think the videos displayed on UCLA's website, which displays their brain research, are extremely powerful. These videos let people see into every nook and cranny of the brain, allowing us to discover how many parts of the brain are still developing into our 20s. As teachers, we need to encourage students to think freely and creatively, helping them soak up as much information as they possibly can during the six year time gap they have to "learn new basics" (12-18 years old). However, we also need to educate students about brain damage, and not just neccessarily drugs/alcohol, because sports and stress can cause it as well. I believe that if students were provided with the information in the lecture last night, students would be willing to take more preventive measures with their brain. We do not want students to get behind, and interrupting neuron functioning is how students get behind. Education is key- for everyone involved- from parents, to teachers, to legislators, to the students themselves.

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